PWD Congratulations to 34 staff of PWD who will receive their 2018 Departmental End of Year Performance Awards! This is the first time that PWD has recognised staff performance with a Departmental End of Year Performance Award.
It is hoped that all staff will continue to perform to the best of their abilities in 2019 to support the implementation of PWD priority activities and work plan. 2019 marks the end of the transition implementation period for the PWD D-EOY-PA and to be consider for an award at the end of 2019 permanent staff must meet the following minimum criteria:
- No disciplinary action taken against the staff member within the year
- The staff member does/did not require a performance improvement plan during the year beyond phase I
- The staff member’s SPA is an acceptable performance standard (i.e. excellent or very satisfactory)
- The staff member completes the required activities per job description and work plan
- The staff member must fully participate in required learning and development initiatives
- The staff member takes their annual leave as per Director approved leave plan in alignment with PSC approved Accrued Annual Leave Management Plan
- The staff member must have worked at least 9 months of the year (excluding annual leave).