ID149: 450 meters construction of Cobblestone Pavement from the Airport to Bigwota in Gaua

    A total of 450 meters construction of Cobblestone Pavement from the Airport to Bigwota in Gaua has been a success for the local Small Scale Contractors (SSCs) on the Island.

    The Road from the Airport to Bigwota is a core road in Gaua, however this road section is not passable during wet weather as the road quickly becomes muddy and slippery and often vehicles get stuck and break down.

    The Torba Division Manager, Ronald Matavusi reported during PWDs recent QPA that “R4D2 and Public Works Department intervention has made life easier for people to travel from Bigwota to the Airport. The community and road users are happy and appreciate the achievement”.

    The cobblestone pavement construction was a success through advice from the R4D2 to PWD site inspectors and the Small Scale Contractors, the construction of the cobblestone pavement has been successfully completed.

    Road Before PWD & R4D2 Intervention

    1. Road before PWD R4D2 Intervention


    2. Preparation of Granular Material Bedding for Cobblestone Placement3. Preparation of Granular Material Bedding for Cobblestone Placement

    Construction of Cobblestone Pavement from the Airport to Bigwota- 450m

    4. Construction of Cobble avement from the Airport to Bigwota 450m5. Construction of Cobble avement from the Airport to Bigwota 450m